Howdy, I'm Jack!

(And this is my wife, Sweet Tess, and our crazy dog, Luna.)

Ready to Help More People?

You're a coach, counselor, or course creator, and you've got something special.

A process, a framework, a method, a tool—something that's transforming lives, and all you want to do is get it into more hands. Sure, more money would be a plus, but more than anything, you want to make sure EVERYBODY has the chance to experience the breakthrough they need.

But it's hard, right?

You've built your offer (and people rave about it). You've built a social following (and people are engaging). But you struggle to bridge the gap between the two. All you want is a streamlined system that moves people from follower to customer, so you can focus on what you do best: serving your clients.

You shouldn't have to become a marketing guru just to increase your impact.

That's why I'm here to help. I've written sales copy for two, 8-figure coaching companies, produced tens of thousands of leads, and generated over $5M in revenue for coaches.

Now, I want to help you help more people (and earn a lot more too).

Let's See if We're a Good Fit

Schedule a Free Copy Consultation Below

Some Kind Words From My Clients

"Jack Durham is hands down the most lethal marketer and media buyer in Traffic and Funnels history.

His ability to cut through the noise in competitive markets with words people can't ignore is unparalleled in the digital marketing space."

Mike Heiser

Former CMO of Traffic and Funnels

"Jack is among the top professionals in copywriting largely due to his in-depth research process and comprehensive understanding of marketing.

Marketing aside, he's one of the most professional freelancers I've ever come across. What's more, he's a very reliable, credible, timely, and kind human to work with. As for the results - for my business, he wrote ad copy to generate 1,878 leads at $5 per lead. Highly recommend." 

Cynthia Meyer 

CEO & Retirement Life Coach at Second Wind Movement

Jack is one of the very best copywriters I’ve worked with. He will not only write the words you need to sell your products and services (trust me, he delivers!), but he’ll also come to the table with fresh ideas to help you optimize your marketing strategy. He is a true team player, incredibly responsive, and has a knack for seeing big opportunities that others may be too close to see. If you need a stellar writer and marketer, Jack is the guy you want to hire!

Marissa Hyatt

Marketing Director of Full Focus

Coaching Companies I've Served